ThinkPacific Fiji

A project by: Jack Ringland


WE RAISED £1,505

from 28 donors

This project received pledges on Sun 14 Apr 2019
This is my project trip to Fiji to teach children & adults in schools and teach sports development.

A short summary of your project

Hello Everyone!

I am aiming to raise £1500 in order to help pay for my flights, travel costs and living costs when going to my project. For me this will be a life changing experience expadition!

This summer from the 18th of June to the 16th of July I will be part of the ThinkPacific team which is in partnership with the Fijian Government. ThinkPacific travel to the heart of remote Fijian towns that are less privileged than ourselves and provide an opportunity to teach children English and Maths and develop their interests in sports in order to provide them with the best quality of life and education they need to set them up with the best possible future then can have. Providing this service is important to their community as they due to their poorer circumstances these people don't get the benefits that most of us take for granted everyday, and for me to travel over there with a team of support is a great way in which we can use our talents in order to bring about change and better living and educational conditions in their community. This is all done voluntarily by the ThinkPacific team but still requires us to provide travel costs which can be expensive so with the help of your donations it will mean that I will be able to travel out their without the concern of money, so that my main focus can be providing as best a service to them as I can in anyway possible. We will be seeing Fiji first hand through the eyes of the local people, speaking the local language.

Who are you?

I am Jack Ringland, I am a first year Biomedical Scientist at Ulster University and Personal Trainer. I am part of the ThinkPacific project team with 22 members of us going out to Fiji to teach in rural parts of Fijian towns. 

Your story

I have always been in the heart of projects involving charity as I feel like there is something I need to give back to people in less fortunate circumstances than myself. This is the perfect opportunity for me to utilise my sporting skills and teaching abilities in order to provide the best quality teaching a sporting advice for the children and young adults to take in order to better develop them for their future. I love to see how people develop and better themselves everyday. For me making one small change to someones life is a massive achievement for me personally. 

As a donor you are enabling me to fulfil my passion and help me to help those in need, your money will g to helping the Thinkpacific team by enabling me to travel without worry meaning I can fully focus my efforts and energy on teaching and helping those who need it.

This will be a massively education experience not just for the Fijians but also for me as it will open my eyes to the other side of the worlds way of life and help me to appreciate my life just a little bit more. 

Where will the money go?

  • The flights alone will cost £1200
  • Travel and transport across the island will cost £100
  • living costs and spending costs for the month will be over £500
  • Fijian native Clothes £100


Hey, we have some fab rewards to thank everyone who donates, whatever the amount you might give. Check them out

Images and video

Find us here

I will be giving regular updates on my travelling and educational experiences on my facebook page

And my instagram page:

Help us succeed!

  • You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.
  • In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
  • And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.