Role Emerging: Adullam House

A project by: Christina Jupe


WE RAISED £1,015

from 12 donors

This project received pledges on Tue 18 Dec 2018
Aislinn's and Christina Trip to Adullam House to implement an Occupational Therapy Intervention.

Our project

In January 2019, We are flying to Alabama to work for a charity called Adullam House. We will be working with the staff there to implement an occupational therapy intervention to suit their needs. To do this we need your help to raise the funds to support us in working with this amazing organisation.

Who are we?

Our names are Aislinn and Christina. We are two final year Occupational Therapy (OT) Students studying at Ulster University. As some people are unsure of what OT is, we thought we would include a definition for you!

Occupational Therapy enables people to achieve health, well being and life satisfaction through participation in occupation. (WFOT 2013)

Your story

So we mentioned we are travelling to Addullam House, But why?

Well, as part of our degree, we have to complete a role emerging placement, where we go to an organisation that does not have OT, work there as OTs and see how we can benefit the organisation.

So why Adullam House? Well it is a home for at-risk children - rescuing those who cannot rescue themselves. As OT students, both of us felt passionately that this is an area that we would love to work in, and wanted to help in any way we could. we agree with their slogan " It is better to build children than repair grown ups." As we know children with any experience of trauma are more prone to certain health conditions and developmental delay. Our intervention will focus on preventative care, so to help prevent some of the difficulties these children may face in the future. However we will also provide coping strategies for children who may already be experiencing difficulty in their learning, their ability to participate in play and in their overall growth and development. 

Where will the money go?

This will support our travel costs and the costs of our intervention resources.

Example Equipment; Sensory toys,bean bags, specialised games, pencil grips, information packages and therapressure brushes. To see where you money is going, follow our Facebook profiles for regular updates!


 We have some amazing rewards to thank everyone who donates, whatever the amount you might give. Check them out!

Help us succeed!

You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.

And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen. Thank you so much!